In the rapidly evolving world of fashion, where trends change as swiftly as the seasons, there is a beacon of consistency and quality that has guided enthusiasts and industry professionals for over seventy years: the magazine of Arsutoria and its historical archive.
Since 1947, the publishing house has not only witnessed but also narrated and anticipated the developments in the world of shoes and leather goods, accompanying its educational counterpart, Arsutoria School, in training the brightest professionals in the industry.
Arsutoria School and Arsutoria magazines are deeply rooted in the industry, through constant dialogue with companies that produce shoes and bags it allows for collaboration with some of the biggest brands in the world. This connection ensures that the training offered is not only theoretically robust but also immensely practical and directly applicable in the real world, as seen in the Design Path of our educational offerings.
An Archive of Priceless Value
The historical archive of Arsutoria and Arpel magazines is a true treasure that tells the story of the global footwear and leather goods industry. Every cover, article, and image is a window to the past, showcasing the evolution of style, customs, and production techniques. This rich heritage is a valuable resource for students, designers, and professionals who want to understand the roots and trajectories of current trends.
Arsutoria School, the leading workshop school in footwear and leather goods, leverages the vast wealth of knowledge from the publishing house and its publications to structure unique educational programs that meet market needs. Here, theory meets practice: students start with traditional techniques and move to the latest design and production innovations to become the future leaders of the accessory industry.
A Journey into the Past: Discovering the Most Unique Covers
Arsutoria Studio website, through its publications available online, serves as a bridge between the past and the future, offering students of the Workshop School a unique perspective that integrates a deep historical understanding with a keen sense of contemporary dynamics. This synergy not only enriches the educational experience but also provides students with the tools to innovate and significantly influence the industry.
Arsutoria Studio is not just a publication; it is a travel companion, a mentor that guides through the history and evolution of the footwear and leather goods industry. Together with the School, it forms a powerful combination that prepares professionals to make a difference in the world of accessories, providing a deep understanding of the past and a clear vision of the future.
If you are interested in becoming a Shoe or Accessories Designer, we invite you to join the Accessories 1 year Diploma (70 weeks), an extraordinary opportunity for those who wish to acquire or enhance their technical and design skills in the footwear and leather goods sector.
If you are interested in exploring this valuable archive, you can access it online by subscribing to an ArsPlatinum membership.